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Map - IELTS listening

Map - IELTS listening

At first, Candidates should utilize the time gap given before the beginning of the listening transcript, during which they should check the spots referenced the maps and think about them as a milestone. From that point forward, they can check the bearing of north east-west and south so that while the interpretation is played, they can without much of a stretch tail them and discover the spots. Candidates should likewise peruse the spots in the question, for which they need to discover the headings; they ought to be knowledgeable with it so that during the sound, they can undoubtedly check the area.

Candidates may get map kinds of questions in section 2 of the IELTS listening test however fortunately since it will have one speaker alone managing through the guide, they can without much of a stretch follow and discover the appropriate responses.

At last, we ought to likewise check for any spelling errors and since little textual style may impede in speaking to the right spelling to the examiner, the capital text style can be writing all through the tuning in. At ECS IELTS Training centre, IELTS classes are led all the time for the above methodologies, with the goal that the candidate can score band 8 or above in these sorts of questions