Blog IELTS English Listening and Speaking

English Listening and Speaking

In 2007, China Ministry of Education has pointed out clearly in the Requirements for College English Teaching that universities and colleges ought to make full use of modem information technology, adopt the English teaching models based on computer and classroom, and develop the students’ personal and autonomous-learning ability. At the same time, we should explore and establish the listening and speaking teaching models under the network environment, and carry on listening and speaking practice under the local area network and campus network. Therefore, universities and colleges have been devoting to of College English Teaching reforms in China, and have gained achievements. The teaching environment has been greatly improved. In particular, we have made freat efforts in solving the bottleneck problem, that is,. the students’ poor listening and speaking ability. And what restricts the improvement of the students’listening and speaking ability lies in the lack of authantic language environment, under which the students can complete the classical process from training to internalizing language effiently and with high quality. (Ni Huimin, 2008, 3: 66) Accordingly, we are obliged to exert ourselves to explore and practise how to utilize the network information technology efficiently so as to create a relatively real language environment for the students and optimize interactions under the guidance of humanization concept and diminish the students’ psychological barrier in using language in the process of cultivating their autonomous learning ability, and improve listening and speaking level, thus to make the English listening and speaking autonomous learning under the environment of network more effectual.

Foreign language learning environment includes the main Body (person) and Object (foreign language, the social factors language inclujdes and the material world that language reflects). It is a summation of various environmental factors, which influence the structure of foreign language teaching, restrict the teaching operation, and promote or block the individual’s cognitive development. It is composed of the social systems and other subjects, as well as the teaching and scientific technology achievements which can be drawn on and applied in teaching,and the learners And tgeacxhers as well (Zeng Puchu, 2005: 4, 9). The practicality of language learning requires the learners to involve in target language to the greatest extent, to immerge into the similar target language armosphere to perceive, experience and use the target language. The organic integrationof network multimedia technology and foreign language teaching provides more chances to practice language and more authentic language communication environment. In consequence, the effective use of network technology is a necessity for constructingg ideal foreign language learning environment. In recent years, studies on English teaching and learning under the network environment have gained harvests.( Wang Xianglin, Ning Chunyuan, 2002: 20-23; Chenjie, 2008: 5, 34; Zhang Guoying, Hu jiyue, Liping, 2007: 6, 58; Gao Dexin, Yu Xiujin, 2008: 5, 57; Hungfang, 2009: 6, 51; Wu Junru, 2009: 6, 58; Long yufei, Zhao pu, 2009: 4, 58; Ge Yixiang, Li ji’an, 2009: 4: 53) From the microscopic studies of multimedia, network teaching, tridimensional teaching and foreign educational resources mechanism to studies of micro skills, they have proved that the the positive and progressive effect that network environment has on English teaching. The materialized environment is a precondition in promoting language teaching successful, but the realization of the language teaching target depends on the body of teaching—the students. The general idea about the position of the students is that they are no longer the passive learners, they are positively thinking how to possess the ability of language communication in order to adapt themselves to the society. The students are the main body of learning, the center of teaching. The ultimate goal of College English teaching is to enable the students probe the world and realize the value of themselves with their proficient language skills, abundant knowledge of the target countries’ history and culture. Therefore, the formation of individualization in learning and the development of the ability of autonomous learning is an important goal in College English Teaching. As for the autonomous learning, many scholars, home and abroad, have done a great deal of study. Holec (1981) refers it to the ability the students are responsible for their own study. It is the ability that the learners can control their own study, including the control of the process of learning and cognition, the content and environment of study, and psychological factors and so on (Benson) . The study of the foreign schools mainly concentrates on the following five aspects: the motivation of autonomous learning; the selfawareness and self-response towards study; the process to realize the goal; the influence of society and material environment; the acquisition of the ability of autonomous learning. The domestic studies have covered from the defmitions and characteristics of autonomous learning, how to cultivate students’ ability of autonomous learning to the studies of social and cultural factors, individual differences, learning strategies, autonomous learning center, learning materials and archives, cognitive styles,etc. These studies have demonstrated that the autonomous learning is a teaching idea centered on students; a humanized and individualized learning model. The necessary environment and correct learning strategies are the premise in improving the learners’ language proficiency. However, the key to improve listening and speaking still depends on the training process. Only when the training process accords with the cognitive psychology can the students acquire the listening and speaking ability. In the point of modem cognition, the brain is similar to an information handling system with a fmite capacity, and the acquisition and use of a second language is also a process of information processing like the acquisition and use of other knowledge.

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